Ambition In Hamlet

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Ambition is strong desire to pursue something, in particular power or fame. I believe that when any person makes wrong or evil actions it is their choice and they wanted to do it because of their ambition. Therefore ambition is the root of all evil. An example of ambition as the root of evil is in “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare. Caesar had the ambition for a lot of power power and to ultimately be king, even though he tried to hide it. As a result, the men of the senate planned to assassinate him because he had too much power. Hence, Caesar’s ambition to have power indirectly caused his death. In addition, the senate’s ambition to overthrow Caesars caused them to do evil. Another example of this is Adolf Hitler during World War II. He had ambition for power as well as making Germany free of Jews, whom he saw as the enemy. He order millions of Jews to put into concentration camps and many of them died as a result. Because of Hitler’s ambition, millions of Jews died. A third example could be The United States as a country and the war we’re in with Iraq. The US has ambition for power over Iraq and their oil. Many people, including myself think the war is evil because it has cost us billions of dollars and a lot of people have died. If ambition for power and other things didn’t exist, many evil events in history wouldn’t never had happened and billions of lives wouldn’t have been lost. In conclusion, ambition can cause evil from military conquests to even ambition to get good grades by
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