Allegory Of The Cave Quote Analysis

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English 101 Next Class Assignment G. Pollio Spring 2013 For Assignment #2—which I’ll write up for you in our next class—I will have you write on how Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is useful in understanding one of the texts we’ve worked on so far this semester. We’ve read three other texts so far, all of which address in different ways the theme of the course: Oppression, Resistance, Freedom. Besides the Plato, we’ve read the following three texts: 1) Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” 2) Frederick Douglas’ “Learning to Read” 3 Jeremy Rifkin’s “The Age of Simulation” For next class, you will bring in 2 quote sets to class, with a quick analysis of each set. Each quote set will consist, then, of three components: 1) a quote from Plato, 2) a quote from whatever text from the above list you might write on for the next assignment, and 3) a brief analysis/commentary on how the two quotes relate to each other. So, each quote set will look like this: 1) Plato: “Find a quote” 2) Rifkin (or one of the other choices above): “Find a quote” 3) Your…show more content…
It fits because in Malcolm x quote he describes how his frustration with not being able to read and write aggravates him. This quote led him to start his “Homemade education”. Malcolm knew that reading was a good thing and he knew that in the long run, reading would better himself as a person by having so much knowledge. In Plato’s quote he states that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is only seen with effort. Malcolm knew that without putting in any effort to read and write that the outcome would not be good. Malcolm put in effort to reading which resulted in a good outcome. It also states that when good is seen it inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, reading opened up Malcolm x to a whole new world of knowledge because he started learning of things he had no clue

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