All About Benedict Arnold

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INTRODUCTION The person I chose is Benedict Arnold. He was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He was for the American Army, and betrayed the Americans by helping the British by giving them secrets and information. I chose this person because as I read about all the important people who were involved in the war, he caught my attention to how brave he was. Early Life Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticut to Benedict Arnold III and Hannah Waterman King. He was one of only two of his mother's eleven children to survive to adulthood. His other siblings died from yellow fever. He was named after his great grandfather Benedict Arnold, an early governor of the Colony of Rhode Island, and his brother Benedict IV. Arnold's father was a successful businessman, and the family moved in the upper levels of Norwich society. When he was ten, Arnold was enrolled in a private school -Centurbury, which was very nearby. He’s always expected that he would eventually go to Yale. However, the deaths of his siblings two years later made his family fortunes go down, since his father took up drinking. By the time he was fourteen, there was no money for private education. His father's alcohol addiction and ill health kept him from training Arnold in the family pharmacy business, but his mother's family connections kept them on track with money. In 1755, Arnold, attracted by the sound of a drummer, attempted to enlist in the provincial militia for service against the French, but his mom said no. In 1757, when he was sixteen, he did enlist in the militia, which marched off toward Albany and Lake George. Arnold served for 13 days. DURING THE WAR Benedict Arnold One of history's best-known traitors, was a successful general from Connecticut during the American Revolutionary War, until he switched sides and was caught trying to help

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