Alias Grace Literary Analysis Essay

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Ryan Payne Literary Analysis English Alias Grace GUILTY! Throughout the whole story there are facts that point to the assumption that Grace is guilty. My biggest reason for believing that she is guilty is just logical reasoning. For example, she expresses her love for Mr. Kinner, a man married to coincidently to the other victim Nancy, in the text of the whole book. Through the whole book I think Grace does a terrible job of covering up the murder and showing people that she didn’t do it. All her memories she has through out this book I think shows that she did but she is just trying to hide it. And she can hide it so well because Grace is just such a likeable character I mean I know she did it but there is something that almost makes…show more content…
All of this gives me the idea that she is hiding something because the passage from page three shows how she saw Nancy bleeding out with Grace Kerchiet than she doesn’t tell Dr. Jordan this; she tells him something completely different. I would thing if you’re innocent you would just tell Dr. Jordan everything and not try to twist everything alike Grace does the whole story. On page 398 and those few pages when she is under hypnosis; I also holds strong to prove that she is guilty. I think on this passage when she tells Dr. Jordan that she was taken over by Mary Whitney, her friend’s spirit. I think this is just something she is trying to do to make them think so if she is guilty she can plead insanity if she would need to. I think this is another poor way that she is trying to cover her behind for the murder by saying she was taken over by Mary’s spirit. It is weak and I don’t think it would hold up in court. I have two more passage from the book that will back up my opinion on thinking that she is guilty. The part where she is hypnotized and “Mary” If you want to say, says, “I am not lying! I am beyond lying I no longer need to lie.” (Atwood 300) I think this shows Grace kind od confessing, but using this so called possession as Mary

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