Albert Fish: Serial Killer

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The term ‘serial killer’ strikes fear deep into the hearts of most. However it is often thought that fear is what drives some curiosities, thus finding it appropriate to understand why serial killers commit horrific acts of violence repetitively. It has been found that many serial killers encompass similar emotional development issues. They also tend to be above-average intelligence wise, and in some ways it is as if killing acts as a drug for some of these men. Many theories of crime and deviance correlate to the actions of serial killers. One of America’s most horrific child serial killers is Albert Fish. He was also known as the Boogeyman, the Werewolf of Wysteria and the Grey Man. This gentle-looking, benevolent grandfather cleverly…show more content…
His father died when he was about 5 years old and his mother could not take care of him so she sent him and his siblings to an orphanage. The orphanage was a place of brutality where he was exposed to regular beatings and sadistic acts of brutality. As a form of punishment, his teacher would make the children strip down in front of the classroom where they would endure a beating. This is an act that would normally have a negative effect on a child, but Albert seemed to have enjoyed it. He began to get sexual pleasure from it and would get erections every time he was whipped. He lived there for about five years when he was then returned to his mother. He had very little formal education and grew up learning to work more with his hands than his brains. When he was 12, he formed a sexual relationship with a fellow boy who introduced him into the darkness of deviant sexual behaviors such as drinking urine and eating feces. It was at this time when he began frequenting public bath houses and watching other boys in the shower and thrived from the beatings and sexual acts he took part in with his boyfriend. In 1890 he relocated to New York City and to make a living he became a male prostitute and also began his crimes against children. Fish would lure children away from their homes, torture them in various ways including using a paddle laced with sharp nails, rape them, and then would kill and mutilate them. As time went on, the sexual fantasies he would act out on the children grew more fiendish and bizarre, and often ended in murdering and cannibalizing his young

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