After Dinner Speech

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After Dinner Speech I’m thrilled today to have MATC students attending my graduation party. I started my associate degree in January 2010. Because of family it took me a lot longer than planned to finish my degree. I have to take care of my two kids when my wife is at work and we know what a challenge that can be when you’re trying to study. For example, a couple months ago, while I was getting ready for class, I put my homework on the kitchen table and went outside to start my car. When I came back I found half of my homework had been chewed to shreds by my one year old daughter. Add to my active children, my work schedule is another challenge. I work 3rd shift so you would think that I’d have some quiet time to finally study or to get some much needed rest. Unfortunately it’s not always the case. As soon as I open the door, my son, turns from the TV and asks me what I have for him. Then he asks me if I can take him outside play on his bike at 4 am. We don’t go outside, but I can never pass up a moment to spend with my son. So, occasionally I come to class without going to bed at all. It’s no surprise when I forget to use some of my visual aids during my speeches and sometimes make long pauses when I talk... I’m just so tired. So, I started taking 5 hour energy drinks before I come to class, but it never worked. I later realized that I was taking this five hour energy 6 hours before my speech. In addition to being busy with my kids, I have to deal with my mom who is back in Morocco. Every time I call her, she asks me when I’m going to finish my degree. My answer for her was I’m taking only two or three classes at a time. Her latest reply was, “When are you going to stop taking classes and start taking jobs”? My mom is worried about me not having a decent job after graduation which was the same struggle I had after earning my degree while still in

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