African Perspectives on Colonialism

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African Perspectives on Colonialism Book Report Boahen’s piece on African Perspectives on Colonialism is a strong reflection of society’s current views and behaviors towards Africa and its history. Boahen emphasizes the impact of colonialism that has led to the “generation of a deep feeling of inferiority as well as the loss of human dignity among Africans.” He also stresses that the legacy of our colonial past has encouraged racial discrimination and constant humiliation and oppression of Africans. He examines the influence of the slave trade, the negative view of native religions in the cultural worldview of Christian missionaries, the economic value of colonial dominion of Africa for Europe, as well as details of the devastating impact of colonization on Africa. All of these topics are vital to the understanding of modern Africa; knowledge of how the continent became what it is today, through this information from the past. But what can we, as American citizens, take from what this collective information in this story is telling us? In my opinion, it’s not what we can take from this, it’s what we should take. I personally believe that this story reflects what should be a lesson for every continent, nation and state. A lesson of how the interference of one body of people on another can be such a devastating factor in their development and prosperity. Before colonialism came to Africa, the continent was thriving. As Boahen says, “the most surprising aspects of the imposition of colonialism on Africa were its suddenness and its unpredictability.” Because prior to this, there was growing independence of many African nations. The slave trade had a major impact on Africa and its ability to grow economically. It also hindered family structures due to the massive amounts of men between ages 18 and 30 who were taken for slaves. African cities and towns did not have

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