African American Poets

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African American poets made a great impact on the literature world. Two poets who made a great mark in literature are Paul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes. Dunbar began his writing career before Hughes was born and was also one of Hughes’s influences. While Dunbar broke barriers during his time and influenced future writers Hughes, following in his footsteps, broke a few of his own. Both poets set the bar higher and opened more closed doors for African American writers to come. Even though both poets may have similarities between them, they also have their differences in which shows through their writings. Both having strengths and weakness within their writing. Even though they were from two different times, they shared a goal in trying to use their voices for making a better way for the African American race. A major difference between the two is the time period in which they were writing and the experiences that influenced them. Dunbar grew up and began writing in the late 1800’s. His parents were ex-slaves and his mother took him and his siblings away from his father. Dunbar was born not to long after slavery ended and even though he himself was not a slave, it was still hard for African Americans around this time, especially those who were writers. Hughes was born a long while after Dunbar. He grew and began writing in the early 1900’s into the mid 1900’s. His father left his family and he was raised by his grandmother. Even though it was still hard for African American writers at this time, it was not as nearly hard as it was when Dunbar began. One primary level of similarity between the two is that they did and still do speak for those who have no voice. Both Dunbar and Hughes used their intelligence, writing skills, and connections to bring the voice of African Americans to the fore front. The poor African Americans needed a voice to speak what they
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