Advertising- Bayer Asprin

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The advertisement is for Bayer Aspirin and it promotes the aspirins by making them appear to be the most logical and healthy option for curing headaches. It is a TV advertisement made in the 1960s and was targeted towards women and wives at that time. It achieves its purpose using different advertising, visual and language techniques. The advertisement uses the problem and benefit technique from the beginning. The imagery at the starting of the advertisement is of an exhausted but restless woman. This is accompanied by the diegetic sound of her describing her sleepless night. She says her husband calls the headache caused by aspirins a “sedative hangover”, in this way it becomes clear to the viewer that she is a wife. This is also a way of name-calling as the advertisement implies that other sleeping pills cause sedative hangovers. The lady then asks a rhetorical question, “isn’t there something to help me sleep without giving me a sedative hangover?” this makes the target audience immerse themselves in the problem. The narrator responds in a non-diegetic voice offering Beyer Aspirin as a solution. This offers the false dilemma that Bayer Aspirin is the only solution. The narrator uses a lot of positive lexis with words such as “naturally” and repeats phrases such as “no sedative hangover” and “lets you sleep naturally”. This is also a method of card stacking employed. The advertisement prominently shows the images of the aspirin and its logo by zooming in on them. The aspirin and logo are also white, whereas the background used is darker, thus capturing the attention of the viewers. The advertisement also uses non-diegetic background music to increase dramatic effect The advertisement uses ethos and establishes the reliability of Bayer by showing the contrast between the woman’s attitude before and after taking a Bayer aspirin. Hers sleep is far more relaxed

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