Advantages and Disadvantages of Touris

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There has been a big boost in tourism in the last decades. It happened due to numerous reasons like increased advertising, an improved infrastructure or a stressful job. The development has led to the rise of holiday resorts where large masses of tourists spend their holidays every year. Examples for this are Benidorm on the costa Blanca in eastern Spain which is a summer and beach resort, or Livigno in Northern Italy, a popular ski resort. The tourist boom has many positive effects on these regions: The most obvious advantage is economic. Due to the multiplier effect, the regions don't only profit from the direct spendings of tourists (for example restaurants or souvenir shops) but also from the development of many new businesses linked to the primary source of income. This means that not only a restaurant profits from the tourist's spending, their food delivery service and the local farmers also do, and so does the company providing the staff's uniforms. Many tourist areas have becone very prosperous and the living standard of the local people has greatly risen. In the 1960s, Benidorm was the most popular vacation destiny in Spain. The profits are often being reinvested, for example in infrastructure which benefits not only the tourists and the tourist companies but also the locals. In Livigno, the government invested money in bringing running water and electricity to the town, benefiting the locals and the tourists. A lot of new jobs in hotels, restaurants and attractions became available, attracting young people and resulting in a workers immigration to tourist regions. Tourism has also reduced Livigno's dependency on farming. The interaction with tourists from all over the world also means that the locals get broadened views and it provides cultural exchange. Sadly, there are quite a few disadvantages within the tourism industry: The tourist

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