Adopt A Pet Speech

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"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." -Alfred A. Montapert Now from my last speech about cats and the shockingly evil explanations behind the cute little things that they do, you’re probably wondering why exactly I would recommend even owning one of those creatures. The truth is there are actually multiple reasons why one should own a cat, a dog, or any other type of pet. In this speech I will mention these reasons and why it is actually a good to own one. First off, a pet can be your best friend, a best friend that will always be there for you and listen to you when you need it. They happen to be the best secret keepers. Or perhaps you don’t even want to talk at all but you just want some company to sit in silence with. Having a dog you can call its name anytime and it will come running to you. Who doesn’t appreciate that joyous greeting from your dog when you call it, with its tail wagging like crazy and its eyes sparkling just for you? And when you own a cat, the love to jump onto your and start that soothing purr, giving you company as you read a book or watch television. As well as friendship, an animal will always show you unconditional love. Pets will make you feel accepted and loved. One reason pets become people’s best friends are because well when it comes to love, they can usually outdo us. The thing is unconditional love seems to come natural to animals but is something people often have to work at. For animals like cats and dogs, they don’t even need to work at this kind of love. In fact you could completely ignore and refuse your love to a pet dog, but when you decide to acknowledge it again, it doesn’t do the same in return, instead, it wags its tail and is just happy that you’re there. So treat your friend

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