Abraham Lincoln's Metaphors Analysis

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Lincolns Metaphors helped a great deal. McPherson includes many of these in his book to show how wise Lincoln was, and to show how he could relate things to one another in order to get his point across to his listeners. An example of 3 this is his story about the shepherd, the sheep and the wolf. “The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd. In his early years, we learn of Abe Lincoln’s childhood, full of poverty, as he was surrounded low-class society. Living in this pioneering family, Abe Lincoln wasn’t given a good opportunity at a healthy education, cultural activities, and communicating with the society around him. However, Abe doesn’t let these restrictions shield him from the true…show more content…
He took on an active and contemplative lifestyle. He soon took the form of a country-bumbkin hero resembling Paul Bunyan. Abe began working as a ferryman for Offut, and during which uncovered one of the biggest obstacles of his life. It was during Abe’s ferry trip to New Orleans when he saw his first slave-auction. This was a major turning point in Abe’s life due to the fact that it opened up his eyes to the world around him and put that goal for change into his mind. Abe showed his emotions towards slavery when he said, "If I ever get a chance to hit that thing, I'll hit it hard."(Grolier: Encyclopedia Americana) This line proves... Abraham Lincoln was born in rural Kentucky in 1809, to parents of low social standing and little education. During his childhood and early youth, the family would move several times, first to Indiana and later to Illinois. Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, died when Lincoln was still a boy, and the next year his father, Thomas remarried to Sarah Bush Johnston, who helped raise the young…show more content…
Two years later, he ran again and was victorious, becoming a fixture of the Whig party in the General Assembly for the next eight years. At the same time, Lincoln's law career began to flourish. He was admitted to the bar in 1837, and moved to Springfield, the new state capital, later that same year. Lincoln married Mary Todd in 1842. The couple had four sons together, two of whom would die tragically while still children. Then, in 1846, Lincoln was elected to U.S. Congress, and moved to Washington to serve out his term, where he spoke out against the Mexican War and unsuccessfully attempted to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia. In 1849, Lincoln returned to Springfield to resume his career as a lawyer and devote more time to his family. His political life seemed to be over. But when the slavery question heated up in the middle 1850s, Lincoln took to the stump again, running unsuccessfully for Senate in 1854 and 1858. Despite these losses, Lincoln gained national exposure due to his flair for oration. Such talent was especially evident during the series of debates he engaged in against Stephen Douglas during the campaign of

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