Abington School District v. Schempp

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Jennifer Roach American Systems 11/1/11 Abington School District v. Schempp Abington School District v. Schempp was a court case that made it all the way to the Supreme Court. It originated in February 27-28 1963, when Edward Schemmp, a resident of Abington Township, Pennsylvania sued the Abington School District for allowing the enforcement of the Pennsylvania law that it was involuntary to have his children listen and even read parts of the bible alongside their public education. This law stated that "[a]t least ten verses from the Holy Bible [be] read, without comment, at the opening of each public school on each school day." Schemmp argues that this law violates his rights along with his children’s rights according to the first and fourteenth amendments. Only four other states made a 25 minute class every morning reading at least ten verses of the Bible. Twenty-five other states made this optional. The children and Edward Schempp testified under the federal district court. The children explained the class to court. Edward testified in the second trial and stated that he was thinking about pulling his children out of that class every morning, but he was afraid that the children’s relationships with their teachers and classmates could be affected. After hearing both of these trials the federal court ruled in Schempp and his children’s favor. The school district didn’t like that very much and appealed the ruling. While this appeal was pending, any children’s parents or the child itself does not want to participate in any of the activities placed in that part of the class may be excused by a written consent by a parent. Schemmp still felt like this was still unfair and pursued the suing of Arbington School District. He said that the modifying of the law still does not change the law being unconstitutional. As a result of the changing

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