Aa Meeting Experience

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Mondays from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm, the First Parish Church located in Harvard Sq., arranges an open discussion for AA meetings. My cousin Randa and I attended this meeting on a Monday, the 20th of October. When we first arrived tot to the church, I already could tell this meeting will be a majority of older men and very few women, which turned out to be true. There were men in their middle ages largely, and a few younger men in their late 20’s and early 30’s. There were at least five women that had attended, one seemed from her late 20’s and the rest in their late 30’s, early 40’s. As I saw people walking in, I noticed most of them having a cup of coffee in their hand. I soon connected that most recovering alcoholics drink lot of coffee for stimulates effects. Just by observing this, I could tell this…show more content…
There were two men seemingly in their late 30’s early 40’s, were in front of the room, appeared to be the leaders of this meeting. When searching an AA meeting to attend, I found this meeting to be OD (open discussion) meeting in being area where it is near home, and at a convenient time. Therefore, I decided to attend this meeting without prior knowledge of this meeting being a 12-Step program until one of the leaders read the 12 steps to the group. While Steve reads this list of goals, I noticed a lot these goals were associated to God and their faith to God. From there, I knew this meeting is going to be a based on a religious structure rather than non-religious structure. After Steve had read the list, everyone went around the room introducing themselves and stating the reason what brought them here.

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