AT & T's Texting And Driving Campaign

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AT&T’s Texting and Driving Campaign Your cell phone rings. You flip open your phone and the text says “where u at.” The time you took to respond to that text while driving took five seconds. Five seconds that could have changed your life or another driver’s life. While driving at 55 miles per hour and reading and responding to a text that takes approximately five seconds, you are driving blind at the distance of a football field (Box). If you were asked to drive with your eyes closed for five seconds, you wouldn’t attempt it; but drivers still respond to texts, which is the same thing. When you text and drive, you are making the decision to make a silly text message more important than your life. So is reading a text worth losing your life?…show more content…
According to OSHA, “texting while driving claimed more than 16,000 lives from 2001 to 2007” (United). When texting and driving your reaction time is delayed as much as a legally drunk driver’s reaction time would be (United). Statistics like the ones I stated have been told to many people, but statistics won’t stop people from doing it. On March 8, 2010 a campaign was created by AT&T, a multinational telecommunications corporation. This campaign was created to raise awareness about texting and driving and to convince people to wait until after driving (AT&T). The campaign features commercials, a Facebook and Twitter page where people can pledge to not text and drive and a documentary was created which includes all of the

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