ADHD Care Plan

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ADD/ADHD PP information (my portion) * 3) Develop a care plan that addresses the following: * a) Identify expected outcomes for an adult client living with this childhood condition. Patient will be able to manage symptoms and lead a fulfilling productive life * b) Develop health screening, health promotion, health interventions, and education for adults with this condition. Screening Questionnaire with symptoms list and have adult check if has any symptoms Ways to manage Medication Routine schedule/Structure Exercise * c) Identify a comprehensive set of relevant resources, both community and national, for adults with this condition. Provide description of resources. Children and Adults with…show more content…
* Blurts out answers before questions have been completed. * Has difficulty waiting or taking turns. * Interrupts or intrudes upon others. Nursing Diagnosis *Potential for impaired education, social, workplace, and coping skills related to ADHD *Potential for medication management of ADHD *Potential for change in health status Goal *Patient will increase optimal participation in social, workplace, and educational programs *Patient will cooperate with medical treatment plan to manage work and social participation *Patient will participate in collaboration with medical plan of care to facilitate emotional well being necessary Intervention Patient will be given information and health counseling related to ADD/ADHD at the patients level of understanding. Patients health condition will be discussed as needed to assure maintenance level of knowledge. Patient will be monitored for adverse side effects and therapeutic benefit of medication. Evaluation Nurse will monitor patient for side effects. Patient will verbalize sighns and symptoms to report to MD/Nurse Patient will take medication as prescribed Patient will manage social and workplace goals with optimal

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