ACJS Code Of Ethics Essay

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* What (if anything) does the ACJS code of ethics have to say about each of the following? * Informed consent * Confidentiality * Reporting of research * Protection of subjects from harm * Plagiarism Step 2. a. Informed consent- Members of the academy recognize the great potential for harm that is associated with the study of criminal justice, and they do not knowingly place the well-being of themselves or other people in jeopardy in their professional work b. Confidentiality- The worth of people gives them the right to demand that information about them remain confidential c. Reporting of research- Members of the academy are honest and open in their professional dealings with others d. Protection of subjects from harm- each individual member of the Academy should evaluate the ethical requirements of a specific situation, decide on an ethical course of action for that situation, and take responsibility for those actions e. Plagiarism- nothing on plagiarism Step 3. f. Informed consent- As a law enforcement officer their duties are to serve mankind g. Confidentiality – whatever a law enforcement officer can see or hear of a confidential nature or that…show more content…
To be an officer they must take it very seriously in order to keep our streets safe. I also prefer the law enforcement code of ethics because of their confidentiality; they must keep things to themselves which also is very ethical. Officers cannot pick favorites they must know when they are on the job that they are there to work and if you break the law you must pay for your crime. Officers put their lives in danger everyday doing their job which is ethical by helping people every day. Overall an officer seems to have the best code of ethics to me due to their everyday

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