A Worn Path Passage Analysis

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Kristine Paulus Return Journey “A Worn Path” October 3, 2011 Phoenix continues on her footsteps with her cane on the narrow road ahead of her. She slowly wipes the tears from her aged eyes filled with joy and satisfaction. Then she looks at the medicine and says “oh child grandma is coming home, I’ll soon be there”. She looks up to the sky and say “thank you Lord for guiding my footsteps to get this medicine for my ill grandson”. “Tap tap tap” she repeats constantly as she heads south to her destination to the toy store. Phoenix passes the shoe store and looks at her own she has on, and wish she had a new one, but she abruptly erases the feeling out her head. She picks up her feet and keeps tapping on the path and later bumps into a little boy who is so jolly. “Granny sorry I step on you”, I didn’t mean to” said the boy sorrowfully. “Oh child lord bless you, remind me of my sweet grandson who’s waiting patiently for me”, she said in hope. Where does your mother buy your toy at? The boy…show more content…
Phoenix continues on her way despite the coldness she feels up her sleeves. Tap, tap, I gotta get home”, grandchild sitting waiting. I am old, yet, grandchild is young and hasn’t lived all his life, and he has to have his medicine. While walking consistently she sees the birds flying. Chirp little birdie, keep flying” don’t stop, she says smiling. Phoenix crosses the log she had cross before. She sees the same bush she got stuck in early, but ignores it this time.” Pretty bush you can’t fool me this time, “she said fearlessly. Mr. Scarecrow it’s you gain, I can’t dance I’m worn out, but let’s shake hands. The scarecrow is speechless, but hand stuck out. Next phoenix pace it up and reaches to her house. When she reaches there, her grandson is waiting in the dark. “Grandma’s here child”, she said calmly. Don’t worry the pain is

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