A Walk Through My Life

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A Walk through my Life Outline Where are you from and who are the important people in your life? a. Born in Jackson, Tn b. Raised in Bolivar, Tn What were your hobbies and what did you do with your friends? a. Basketball and Band b. Go out to shop, eat, and movies c. Play sports outside What are your personal, professional, and academic goals? a. Graduate from college with a Bachelor's Degree b. Open a family clinic c. Live happily with my family Do you have a family of your own? a. Yes in a way b. Dating c. One son What would make you happy in the future? a. Graduate b. Get a good job c.Healthy life for myself and family I could have not guessed in a lifetime that I would be enrolled in an online class. I attended the University of Tennessee at Knoxville right after high school, but things did not work out according to my plans. In this paper, I will present a brief description of some of my life experiences, that I feel are important, and how they have helped mold me into the person I am today. I will also use the adult development theories from this class to help me analyze some of those life experiences and discuss the goals I want to accomplish in the future. I was born in Jackson, Tennessee at the Regional Hospital. I am the second of three children by mother and the fourth of five, of my father's children. My parents tell me that they met in our community and it was love at first site. My mother tells us that my father did not have to ask her on a date, she insisted that he take her out. They began dating and the next thing they knew they were saying I do and then came along three beautiful children to their union. I have many childhood memories. My mother and father seperation had the biggest hold on me. I was in school at the time of my parents seperation and it seemed as if all the other children had two parents

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