A Summary-Analysis of "Should a Woman Work Outside the Home?"

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In this article, "Should A Woman Work Outside The Home?", Mohammed Akode Osman raises an important question concerning the issue whether women work outside, which affects the whole society, the position of women especially. The author mainly emphasizes on it is the negative effects of women’s working outside their home that make the position of women inferior to men’s. I disagree with Osman's opinion and I believe women can do better than men or be even beneficial for our society. Also, the point of view of this religion is too conservative that it’s such gender discrimination to females. Women should have the equal power as men does. Firstly, Osman states that women are not like men. Is there any difference between women and men in physical strength and mental part? I will answer that women and men are absolutely different in physical strength and mental part but nowadays the positions of women and men have been also different from they used to be. For instance, the role of a woman was usually a housewife or mother in the old times. What they had to do was to be responsible for their husband and children, such as housekeeping, taking care of children or cooking. That is, they did not have to work outside. On the contrary, nowadays in our modern society, many women work outside to make a living for their family. Because of the fast development and changes of our modern society, there are more and more women plunge themselves into job market. Thus, women are perfectly suitable to work outside. Secondly, Osman's article points out that women are not supposed to work outside based on Bible. To me, the point of view this religion is too conservative, for the author said that man ought to be the breadwinner, who earns a living for his family, while woman are supposed to take care of her family and children. However, the responsibility of men and women toward
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