A Study of the Changes of Gender Roles in Family

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1. Aim ‘Men are the breadwinners and women are the homemakers.’ That is always the traditional value towards the roles of men and women. However, the value seems to be changed in two decades(Zuo and Tang 2000). Men are no longer the only one to work and make important decisions in a family or in the society. On the other hand, women can finally have a say in the public. However, the duties of husband and wife have become more similar. This changing is totally affected by the changing status of both genders in the society. Therefore, the aim of the proposal is to identify the traditional gender roles in family and to assess the possible reasons for the changes of gender roles in family. 2. Context and Concepts The first context is family. According to Murdock, ‘the family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.(Haralambos, 2003)’ Basically, a family is the heterosexual couple sharing the same household, domestic burden and the responsibility of reproduction. Their sexual relationship should be accepted by the general public which means they might have a marital relationship. Their children can be either own or adopted. The second context is gender roles. Gender roles are separated between traditional and non-traditional and are often generalized in an agenda of responsibilities. Gender Role traditionalism suggests an approach where roles of men and women are different. Men have the authority over decisions and women prioritize orientation over family interests in a selfless manner. Women should be fragile, supportive, dutiful, accommodating and nurturing while men should be strong, antagonistic, authoritative, aggressive and leading. The perception of family and work roles portrays that men are typically independent individuals whereas women are dependent of their counterpart. The first concept is
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