A Short Story: Ginny-Personal Narrative

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A week passed quickly for Ginny. Maybe time in Boston was quicker than time in Britain. Ginny woke up on July 12, her birthday, feeling no different than she had the day before. She didn’t feel a drop older. Ginny slowly climbed out of bed, not bothering to get dressed. It was her birthday after all. Why did she have to get dressed? She looked around, and saw that Lissy and Nelly were already awake. Probably waiting outside the door to scare me, Ginny thought to herself. She shook her head, as she opened the door. However Lissy and Nelly weren’t there. Ginny looked around confused. She shook her head again, and headed towards the stairs. She was acting a bit paranoid. . As soon as she took a step forward, a cold hand gripped her ankle. She…show more content…
It makes your features even uglier. Anyway, I suppose you want an explanation. Simply Virginia: I’m a lady, you’re a child. I only put up with you those last couple of months, because I knew I be rid of you soon. Boston would open new doors for me. I’d be free of the childishness. Of course, my brother insisted that his wife’s family be near us. Now I regret introducing Thomas and Rebecca! So Virginia if you really want to know, you ruin everything. You always have and you always will” Ginny could not find the strength to speak. Her whole world was collapsing around her; falling in pieces uncountable. A single tear leaked out of her clenched right eye. She could not bear to look at Abigail. Abigail, the girl who used to be friend. Abigail, the girl who tore her world apart… on her birthday. Ginny took a strange comfort in that; at least Abigail didn’t remember that. Ginny turned to leave, her heart crumbling as she did so. More tears slipped out as she turned her back on Abigail. “Oh do not try to hide those tears. I know you’re crying. Not strong enough to take rejection eh? Your love life’s going to be hard.” Ginny spun on her heels, her mouth open to spit out some fiery comeback… but she could not

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