A Reflection on Ma Vie En Rose

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In the 1997 Belgian film by Alain Berliner titled Ma Vie en Rose (My Life in Pink) there are several things that Ludovic Fabre does to show the audience that he has gender identity disorder. At the age of seven, Ludo is biologically born a male and is convinced he wants to be a girl. As the family moves into new town because his father has a new job the Fabres throw a welcoming party in which the family is introduced to the neighbors. At this party, Ludovic gets all dressed up in his older sister’s red princess dress, and Mrs. Fabre’s blue earrings and red heels. This get-up proves that Ludovic is not shy in expressing who he really is on the inside. Ludo does not think that there is anything wrong with him dressing like a girl because he believes he is a girl. He manages to convince his mom to leave his hair long. This is a sign that he wants to leave his hair long because girls tend to have long hair. Ludo is invited over to his father’s boss’ house to play with their son Jérome’ who’s the same age; wanders into Jerome’s deceased sister’s room, picks out a pink dress and pretends to marry Jerome. In this scene, I learned that Ludo wants to change his gender to be a girl and marry a boy, thus conforming to the title of transgender girl. Another sign that Ludo portrays the typical case of gender identity disorder is when his sister tells him that’s there is no way he can ever be a girl. She gives him a short biology lesson about the XX equals female and XY equals male. Convinced that God meant to give him another X he imagines that the other X fell into the trash can. So, he makes up this delusion to confirm his suspicions of why he was given a boy’s biological body instead of a girls’. Eventually, his older sister hits menarche and he was in the house to witness this event associating it with stomach pains. One day, he woke up with stomach pains and
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