A Helmet for Me Pillow

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Dylan Seeman Mrs. Smith 1, September 2011 Per. 7 Even though you are faced with an impossible challenge, you always give it your best effort. A Helmet for my Pillow has many life lessons hidden in its text (the challenges aren’t so hidden). The lesson that stuck out most was that you should never take what you have for granted. This because Robert Leckie goes from a nice life to boot camp which is stressful to a situation where he is being shot at, he is shooting, the conditions are horrid, and people are dying all around him. “We saw wrecked and smoking ships-a clean unshipped expanse of water between Guadalcanal and Florida Island. Our navy was gone. Gone.” (66) “I think of Holocaust… I see the red eye of hell winking on her wounds… I cannot tell you what I have seen, the terrible spectacle I witnessed from that hillside.”(121) This quote really embodies how brutal the reality of war is. Some other things that represent how awful the war is include living conditions- fabric tents or open air sleeping in mud and diseases- they ran rampant in the daily filth (the most prominent was Dysentery). After being on the islands so long even the tiniest things are treasured. A single cigarette could inspire people and start fights. Despite the conditions there is always a way to push on. There will always jobs to be done, places to go, and things to blow up. It just means you will have to work past your fears and beat your struggles. It makes you appreciate the little thing you don’t have that much more. Work cited Leckie, Robert. A Helmet for my Pillow. Bantam Books. 1957 Robert
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