A Good Man Is Hard To Find Grandmother Analysis

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The Grandma: The grandma in Flannery O'Conner's short story "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" is created to resemble the stereotype of a classy, obnoxious, southern, old woman that everybody seems to have in a family. She thinks that she is better than others and cares for nobody but herself. In other words she is extremely hypocritical because she puts on a face and pretends to be this high class, posh woman when all that she is Bailey's mother. Some argue that she had a moment of grace at the end of the story but I argue that she was just trying to convince the misfit to let her go. For she barely acknowledged that her own grandchildren were about to be killed. But yet she still thinks only of herself and her life. What I understood from the story is that every found her annoying and a pain to be around. She loves to talk and when she doesn't get her way she pouts like a toddler would if she hasn't had her bottle. The Grandma slyly talks to Bailey by saying, "The children have been to Florida before," the old lady said. "You all ought to…show more content…
In other words he is the only one that sticks to what he says. On the contrary, he is the opposite of what a "good" person is suppose to be. The misfit I feel has good intentions but doesn't know how to work those good intentions. He is physiologically unstable though, he will never have the normal functions that we use. The misfit is peculiar because of the way he acts towards children. He says they make him quote on quote "nervous". The misfit always seems to feel either nervous or awkward in the way he speaks and acts. The grandma tries sweet talking to him to get him to let her go and it seems like it almost would have worked based on what he said to her. From time to time you see that he is a real southern gentle man at heart. He acts this way when he says, "I'm sorry I don't have on a

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