A Good Man Is Hard to Find

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Who Was The Antagonist In The Story A Good Man Is Hard To Find? In Flanner O Connor’s “A good man is hard to find” we can argue that the antagonist character would be the misfit. As we read deeply into the text the true antagonist in this spiritual story is the grandmother. The grandmother is obsessed with everything superficial, and cares far too much how other perceives her. The misfit revealed the negative side of the grandmother as her faith and moral are put in test while pleading for her life. The decision of the grandmother leads the family vacation to a tragic ending, where the whole family was murdered. The grandmother was a selfish, egotistical, self centered, ignorant, inconsiderate, dishonest, and sneaky. In the beginning of the story the old lady kept on trying to convince the family that traveling to East Tennessee would broaden the children mind. "The children have been to Florida before," the old lady said. "You all ought to take them somewhere else for a change so they would see different parts of the world and be broad. They never have been to east Tennessee.” ( ).She criticizes the mother for not wanting to take the children to Tennessee for her own selfishness. Her only reason valid reason for wanting to travel to Tennessee was to visit her old connection but not to enjoy a vacation with her family. We see at this point she was very inconsiderate to other people feelings. In her own little mind she was a good lady with much wise word to offer. The next morning of the trip she was sneaky enough to hide the cat in the car when her son instructed her not to. We will soon later that her disobedient lead to the tragic death of her family. Only if she was honest with her family they would be alive right now. During the whole trip in the car the grandmother talk about how she was a lady, criticized and judges everything in her path.
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