A) Examine the Arguments in Favour of a Free-Market System of Resource Allocation (25%)

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Introduction In this assignment I am going to explain the meaning of a free market and its creator, then highlight the advantages of the free market system of resource allocation. Adam smith was a Scottish social philosopher and one of the forefathers of political economy systems. Adam Smith argued in favour of a free market he believed that the government should have any hand in private business ventures. Consequently dealings between private businesses are free from government interference. Smith believed that this would consequently minimize the governments’ responsibilities. (investopedia, 2011) A free market is an economy characterized by freely determined prices and the free exchange of goods and services in markets (taylor. 2008, pg 14). This is different from other types of markets. One being a command economy which is also known as a centrally planned economy. In this economy the state determines prices and production (taylor. 2008, pg 14). The other being mixed economy which poses elements of both the market and the planned economies. (the times 100,2011) Therefore a combination of free enterprise and state control will be present. Demand & Supply The demand and supply graph shows the equilibrium price. The equilibrium price is the price which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. Prices may change depending on if supply is scarce or plentiful as well as the level of demand. Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is an individual who accepts financial risks and undertakes new financial ventures. The word derives from the French "entre" (to enter) and "prendre" (to take), and in a general sense applies to any person starting a new project or trying a new opportunity. (WiseGeek, 2011) Economies of scale Investigations on economies of scale (The economist, 2008) express that economies of scale are factors that cause the average cost of

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