A Cynical Person's View on Society

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A Cynical Person's View on Society Society is ever changing. As the years go by, intellect and reason is further influenced by the modern devices found during those times. Because of this, the chances of a person being naïve, or maybe a little bit unaware, are already slim. You cannot just un-see the things your eyes have come across, for they are already processed in your mind. The sad thing is most people nowadays choose to be purposely ignorant. And because the sciences weigh heavily in our intellect and reason, we tend to lack the emotion to sympathize with other people. We tend to think a little bit too much, and too feel just a little. It is no longer easy to just smile at a stranger, for there exists suspicion against another person. Society today is a mess... a complete mess. The character Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby mentioned that she hoped for her daughter to grow up to "be a fool". "I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool" was what she had hoped for her own daughter. To hope for your child to be so blissfully unaware of the reality of the world is somewhat of a kind wish. The world is twisted and cruel, and innocence is a privilege children do not know they have. But children nowadays can no longer be naïve, for at a young age, most children are exposed to the cruelty of life. It is hard to find happiness when you no longer have an untainted heart, mind, or soul. It is easier to feel depressed nowadays, what with the various things you see on a daily basis. As the world becomes more developed, problems increase. You can't simply ride the train or any public vehicle without seeing frowned faces. The world is now more complicated than ever, and various people have also become cynical. Additionally, society can never be pleased. This is a sentence repeatedly said, and has, without

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