A Brief History of Drug Abuse and Its Causes

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A Brief History of Drug Abuse and Its Causes An Essay by Michael Calvin “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem.” ― Kurt Cobain Drug addiction is a worldwide problem that can be solved a number of ways. I believe that while some people may need medical treatment, a large sum of people with drug addictions can be cured with will power and personal inner strength. Most of us have battled an addiction of some kind at least once in our lives. Some of us have defeated them and never looked back. Others seek help from friends and loved ones or professionals while some of us are still fighting a war inside to survive the clutches of our vices. History suggests that drugs have been a part of human culture since 5,000 BC when the Sumerians used opium. Although, it is unclear why they used it, it is likely that the reasons don’t differ much from why people are still using opiates today. Causes for drug abuse vary dramatically and are based on more than genetics and the different walks of life we all come from. While certain types of drug abuse do seem obviously regional, the reasons why people feel compelled to try them or abuse them will always be specific and personal for each individual. People who use drugs recreationally are usually experimenting not only with the drugs, but also with themselves at well. Many people feel compelled to test their own limits and to satisfy their curiosities. To understand addiction, one must have a good understanding of how the human body and mind work. Drugs are generally taken
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