A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies- in Review

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This is a group of short extracts from the text A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies written by the Spanish Dominican Bartolomé de las Casas in 1542, It was published in 1552. The books has also been translated to English and published as "A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies", among several other variations. 1 It was written at the time for the then-Prince Philip II of Spain to bring attention to the extreme mistreatment of the native Indians during the Spanish Colonization of "The Americas". las Casas was born in Seville in 1484 he was the son of a merchant. He was a Spanish historian of the time and Dominican missionary in the Americas. He was a prolific writer especially in his later years and an influential figure in the Spanish courts. He was the first to bring attention and expose the inhumane acts and oppression of the Native Indians. 2 His ideology that humans being are free and cogent by nature, capable of living in a harmonious society is still a corner stone of todays free societies. The time las Casas is referring to in the document was between 1518-1542. To put this into context, around this time a great deal was happening, of the most noteworthy in regards to the document in question, was the beginning of the Spanish colonization of the Americas starting with Christopher Columbus in 1492. It is generally accepted that the main reasoning of the Spanish monarch for this colonization was spread of the catholic faith through Indigenous conversions to "save their souls" from damnation. 3 Perhaps propaganda so they were able to take the fertile land and divide it up amongst themselves. This greed probably would not appeal to the moral or self conscious Christians of the people or even of the nobles. Making moral excuses to invade a country for nothing more than pure greed is an issue we still consider and

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