What Is Abnormal Behavior? Discuss.

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UNIVERSITY OF WALES BRITISH- HELENIC COLLEGE BSc (HONS) PSYCHOLOGY What is abnormal behavior? Discuss. PS 102 UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY EMMANUEL FIORAKIS TUTOR Dr ALEXANDRATOY In the fourth century B.C the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato began a research because during his time people believed that the strange behaviors and actions were caused by evil spirits. Plato believed this to be false and spoke his ideas of these behaviors being caused by a natural madness, usually caused by a disease. This is the start of Abnormal Psychology; unfortunately his words had no affect on the common people of his age. The definition of abnormality has gone through many dramatic changes through history: Demons, gods, and magic; bodily fluids and wandering uteruses; astral influences; physical illness; etc. But for everybody is difficult to define what is normal and what is abnormal. Throughout time, societies have proposed several explanations in hopes of understanding abnormal behavior within human beings. Throughout "pre-modern" societies, people firmly believed that abnormal behavior was a direct result of animism, the belief in the existence and power of a spiritual world. The idea that people demonstrating abnormal behavior were possessed by malevolent spirits led to a practice known as trephination. The process of trephination involved cutting a hole into the individual's skull in order to release the malevolent spirits. A more religious approach to the animistic beliefs of abnormality is the practice known as exorcism. Performed by
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