3 Deadly Sins in Heart of Darkness

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Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is about the weaknesses that everyone has within. Some can overcome it, some can’t. All throughout history, man has been challenged with the seven deadly sins. There are 3 sins that frequently appear throughout the novella. The most recurrent ones are greed, wrath, and sloth. Greed runs all throughout Heart of Darkness. Marlow is first telling a story to the crewmembers on the ship and remarks about the Romans and how they came to the spot they currently are going to and how the Romans were there many years ago. He tells of how the Romans would steal anything: “They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got.” [Pg.58]. Marlow also tells us about how he thinks the Company existed to make money. He hinted this to his Aunt, who helped him get the job with the Company: “I ventured to hint that the Company was run for profit.” [Pg.65]. Marlow comes across a white man with armed black escorts. They were taking care of a road. There was another good white man who kept fainting. The other had to hold a coat over him to keep the sun off. Marlow then asks why he would be here then, and the white man replies scornfully “To make money, of course. What do you think?” [Pg.76]. There is lots of wrath in this novella. Marlow is chatting with the bricklayer about how he and Mr. Kurtz want rivets. This made the bricklayer become very cold, and started to talk about an old hippo who would wander around the station during night. The pilgrims would empty their rifles at it. It was a waste of energy. The hippo has a charmed life and that men cannot: “The pilgrims used to turn out in a body and empty every rifle they could lay hands on at him.” [Pg.87-89]. Fresleven, the man who Marlow replaced. He was killed because of a scuffle with the natives. It was about two black hens. He thought he got a bad deal, and went ashore to go
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