Celiac'S Disease

392 Words2 Pages
Celiac’s disease is a disease that damages the small intestine and can cause problems with the process of digesting nutrients. One of the major issues with this is that when gluten, a protein found in wheat, and also in most foods, medicines and vitamins, is consumed, it triggers an attack on the smaller intestines. This creates a much harder standard of living for those diagnosed with Celiac’s. Gluten is important in bread for numerous reasons. It helps the bread contain the gases produced during fermentation to allow it to rise before baked. However, bread is not the only food that contains Gluten. Chocolate syrups, ice cream cones, marshmallows, beer and whiskey. Some of these foods slip through a person without Celiac’s, but for those with the disease, they are a few of the top foods to learn to avoid. Gluten, once ingested in the body of someone who has the disease, their own immune system begins to attack small pieces of intestine called villi. Villi are important to the body because they allow the small intestine to absorb nutrients from food and allow it to pass directly into the bloodstream. Damaged villi will not be able to to their job and the person begins to become malnourished, regardless of the amount of food digested. Other less severe symptoms differ depending on the person’s age. Most infants experience vomiting, constipation, and/or diarrhea, while adults experience depressions, seizures and/or arthritis. Though Celiac’s puts those infected at a major disadvantage with foods, all hope is not lost. Many other grains are excellent substitutes, leaving your menu still packed with delicious meals. For breakfast, some popular cereals are still good to eat, such as Post Fruity and Chocolate Pebbles or Kellog’s Suger Pops. For lunch or dinner, any fresh meat or poultry can still be used, along with most carbonated sodas, except root beer, and fruit
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