The Difference Between Utilitarianism And Conseque

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THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UTILITARIANISM AND CONSEQUENTIALISM Utilitarianism and consequentialism are closely related but they are not the same. These two views have different approaches. Utilitarianism is a theory that evaluates happiness, welfare and well being. It states that everyone want to be happy and avoid any possible pain to the highest percentage of people. It focuses on what the goals are and how they can be achieved. On the other hand, consequentialism is a moral theory that evaluates things like institutions, persons, actions and policies according to their consequences. It measures the outcome and decisions are dependent on potential benefits and the cost of a moral action. It generally focuses on how to attain goals. Consequentialism assumes that if human being would weigh the outcome of their taboos and beliefs, then happiness can be achieved and pain reduced. But utilitarianism assumes that people can only value a virtue if it is deemed beneficial in accomplishing human happiness. For example utilitarians believe that truth will make a better society while consequentialists believe that truth will make a better society only if the outcome causes no harm. Basically utilitarianism assumes that the wrongness or rightness of an act depends on the moral good produced as a result of doing that act. This implies that an act is right if it minimizes violation of a certain moral right thus no one should violate moral rights for happiness sake and be justified. But consequentialism assumes that an act can only be right if its absolute outcome is the best. This implies that an act is only right if the outcome minimizes pain and maximizes happiness. Consequentialists and Utilitarianism consider distribution differently. Utilitarians believe that fairness is a better approach but consequentialists assume that the overall amount of good matters even if only a

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