205 1.1-1.3 Essay

1951 Words8 Pages
1.1 Define the following Types of abuse- 1.2 Identify the signs and/ or symptoms associated with each type of abuse 1.3 define the factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse 1.1 Physical abuse is the non accidental infliction of physical force that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment 1.2 Signs of Physical abuse are often evident but can also be hidden by the abuser or the victim. Any unexplained injuries should always be fully investigated. Evidence to look out for includes: * Any injury not fully explained by history given * Injuries inconsistent with the lifestyle of the adult at risk * Bruises and/or welts on face, lips, mouth, torso, arms, back, buttocks, thighs * Clusters of injuries forming regular patterns or reflecting the shape of an article * Burns especially on soles, palms or back; from immersion in hot water, friction burns, rope or electric appliance burns * Multiple fractures * Lacerations or abrasions to mouth, lips, gums, eyes, external genitalia * Marks on body, including slap marks, finger marks * Injuries at different stages of healing 1.3 Vulnerable targets- Not all older persons experience victimization. Certain factors increase an older person’s risk. Two commonly cited risk factors are the presence of Alzheimer’s/dementia. Providing care to individuals with Alzheimer’s and related forms of dementia is especially challenging and may increase the odds of committing physical acts * Offender Motivations- refers to the factors that increase the offenders likelihood that they will be physically or emotionally abusive towards older people. Offender motivations for committing elder abuse include the following, Mental illness, Substance abuse, History of violence, Dependence, Burden and Rationalizations * Isolation- The more socially isolated
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