2005 Anti-Japanese Protests

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Anti-Japanese Protests of Spring 2005 and the Correlation between the May 4th Movement Most of China’s modern history can be traced back to epic events that had major impacts on the shaping and distribution of political power. The anti-Japanese protests and riots of 2005 can be directly related to the events of the May 4th Movement. Before we can fully understand how these two key occurrences can correlate between each other, we must grasp the happenings that led to the events and their historical significance. First this essay will dissect the initial progress of the May 4th Movement and how that mounted into an all out protest against the western powers of the world. Then it will flow towards the historical background of the protests against the Japanese in 2005. These examinations will lead to the correlation between the anti-Japanese protests of spring 2005 and the May 4th Movement, along with other major historical rebellions and revolutions. It is clearly apparent that there are strong correlations between the two major events that have taken place in the major cities, as well as the countryside of China. First, the assessment of the May 4th Movement must start by examining its roots within World War I, and the causes that brought about these protests and uprisings of the Chinese youth. With the fall of the Qing Empire in China came the fall of thousands of years of imperial rule within the conquered nation. Also, with this fall in power, came the rising of the Warlords that ruled China until the Communist Party took control under the reign of Mao Zedong. Following the end of World War I, China was twisted into political mayhem where it seemed that no central government even existed; there were only the warlords. Among the hundreds of warlords, three rose to take significant power within China. Zhang Zoulin ruled over the region known as
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