1984 Memories Essay

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“A Past to Remember” – 1984 Critical Analysis Memories and How They Affect the Present Human memory has the ability to recall events that happened years before, block others and even create false events. Memories are extremely important in shaping who somebody is, and how one acts. In 1984, George Orwell depicts that memories largely influence the lives of individuals and affect the authority of the power-hungry government that is in place. Orwell shows his audience that it is the perception of the past and memories, not reality, that determine the truth an individual perceives. In 1984, the government refuses to allow the public their own memories and changes memories in order to have complete control over society. Winston was one of the only members of his society who remembered the true past and was not loyal to Big Brother. Nearly everyone else in society believed whatever they were told by the Party because they possessed no memories of the past. The members of the Outer Party willingly accepted everything Big Brother said and obeyed him unhesitatingly. The Party replaces and manipulates the memories of Oceania’s citizens in order to remain in absolute power. With no genuine memories, there would never be a public uprising against the government as their power would never be questioned. “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” (Page 37). This quote sums up the general objective of Big Brother’s regime, ultimate control and unfaltering devotion. If citizens had their own memories, or disagreed with what they were told, they would realize how corrupt a society they were living in was and rebel against it. This is the case in Winston’s situation, he recognizes how corrupt the government is and can no longer stand to live monotonously in his society. The Party frequently changed the past to see who would
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