1912 vs 2012

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1912 – 2012 - Kathryn Wallen The year 1912 was an incredibly memorable year even though 2012 seems to be having some even more interesting memorabilia still to come. Both economies were rough in 1912 and 2012 but there are some great differences. Events took place that was both tragic and exciting. Also, women were not being perceived equivalent as men. Fashion was a very popular thing in 1912 but it has become extremely different to what we wear presently. Tragedies are not something people like to remember, but those are the memories we remember the most. In the year 1912, the most tragic event that happened was when the Titanic sank and 1,517 people died. This tragic event devastated many people. On October 14th 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest by John Schrank. Fortunately Theodore had his 50 page speech in his pocket and the bullet was slowed down and Theodore was not killed, but was wounded and was sent to the hospital. He was discharged on October 23rd 1912, a few days before the election for president. Behind all of the tragic events there were some good events happening also at that time. Hellman’s mayonnaise was invented by Duke de Richelieu's chef in 1756. However, Hellman’s mayonnaise was not mass marketed until 1912. It was then called ‘Hellman’s Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise’. There were many more events happening in 1912, both tragic and exciting for all. 2012 will be an interesting year for all. Queen Elizabeth II will be celebrating her Diamond Jubilee on June 5th 2012. The UK will be celebrating her rise to the throne 60 years ago in Buckingham Palace. Also, the London Olympics will be taking place during this time, from July 27th to August 12th. There will be approximately 205 nations competing in 300 events. Last year’s Olympics in Beijing were spectacular and everyone will be looking forward to seeing what London will be

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