1881 To 1905 Tsarism Essay

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How far do you agree that divisions amongst it’s opponents were responsible for the survival of tsarist rule in the years 1881 to 1905? There were many things that challenged the survival of the Tsar such as the political groups, the russo-japanese war, the fall of port Arthur and major strikes, oppression and not being ready for revolution. There were many political groups in Russia in the years 1881 to 1905, such as the Octobrists, Kadets, social democrats and social revolutionary party. Some of the groups wanted to work with the Tsar to help move Russia forward, such as the Octobrists and the Kadets and some of the groups wanted to work against the Tsar i.e revolution, such as the social democrats. The difference in ideas…show more content…
also there was the loyalty to the tsar from many people such as the elite, church, military, okhrana, his ministers, Witte and stolypin and this helped because Stoypin helped to divide up the Opposition so again the different groups with different ldea’s couldn’t organise their idea’s as they kept disagreeing on what was best for Russia. the church helped with the survival of tsarism because they were able to preach to the Russian people when they went to church any message that the tsar wanted them to hear for example that the tsar was helping them and that he was great for Russia so that they would not think bad things of the tsar and so the Russian people would not want him overthrown as the church had great influence over the Russian people. it was also majorly important that the military were loyal to the tsar because the tsar did not have his power without the military as any outbreaks against the tsar could be controlled and put down by the military so they were very crucial in the survival of
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