Nature,Nurture And Human Diversity

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Chapter 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity First of all, from all the chapters that we have been through, I think that this one was the most important and the most interesting to me. Indeed, I have always known that peers influence us a lot because of our development through lifespan, and that our genes affect our biology, but the real question in this chapter was to know how nature, which means genes, and nurture, which means environment, interact together to determine our behavior. In other words, behavior genetics tried to explain individual differences but before that, they had to know if we were born with these differences or if we acquire them thanks to societal influence or peers influence. This is what we call Nature-Nurture Debate, one of the most important debates in the history of Psychology. The main purpose of this research application paper is to explain how the concepts of this chapter have changed my understanding of myself. I- A better understanding of the concepts To make the difference between nature and nurture, we did some studies on identical twins and fraternal twins. Indeed, identical twins were placed in two different families and after a period of time, we noticed that they had a lot of similarities such as their interests, their abilities and some personality traits, thing that suggested that our behavior is determined by our genes. In contrast, adoptive studies showed that adoptive children differ from their siblings in their personality traits and in their interests but are similar in their attitudes, their manners, their beliefs and their faith, things that they got from their parents. This is the parents’ influence. Moreover, we can take the example of temperament, one of the aspects of the personality, to confirm the genetic predisposition. Indeed, the temperament is stable all our life. But, on the other hand, the

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