The Prison Cannot Fail To Produce

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THE PRISON CANNOT FAIL TO PRODUCE DELINQUENT | BARRACKS OF CRIME | The most common punishment for delinquent offenders is probation, whereby the delinquent is given a suspended sentence and in return must live by a prescribed set of rules under the supervision of a probation officer | 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 DELINQUENCY AND ILLEGALITIES The prison system is to be seen as a rehabilitation and correctional institution in any society. It is designed to protect or separate the “good from the bad”. That is, those that commits crime from those that are law abiding. Illegalities and delinquency an interesting article from Foucault, which talks about the illegality in prison and the reasons why prison cannot fail to produce delinquents. In this article I support some of Foucault’s statement and some I totally disagree with him. This essay shall look at two major things: the experiences of prisoners in prison and the Impact or effect of the prison on its inmates. According to Foucault, he said “prisons do not diminish crime rate: they can be extended, multiplied or transformed; the quantity of crime and criminals remains stable or, worse, increases” Foucault statement above refers to prisons has structural establishment that can multiply and grow but cannot reduce crime rate in the society neither does it fulfil its purpose of rehabilitation, all it does is to expose its inmate to isolation in their little cell making them go through psychological and emotional trauma. I believe the prison is to educate its inmate but instead the inmate suffers from arbitrary power of administrations. Foucault pointed this suffering from arbitrary power as one of the ways the prison cannot fail to produce delinquent “the prison also produces delinquents by imposing violent constrains on its inmate; it is supposed to apply the law and to teach respect

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