Effect Of Steroids In Wrestling

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Rashad Chatat Abstract: The effects of steroids in sports entertainment leading to heart failure, kidney failure, depression and death. Introduction “The use of drugs to improve athletic performance is Known as doping, which is prohibited by antidoping Rules and may pose a health risk to some persons. The list of illicit drugs banned by the International Olympic Committee and yearly updated by the World Anti-Doping Agency includes the following classes: stimulants, narcotics, anabolic agents (androgenic steroids and others such as β-2 stimulants), Peptide hormones, mimetic and analogs, Diuretics, and agents with an antiestrogenic Exercise is a potent cardiac hypertrophic stimulus” (Furlanello, F, Bentivegna, S L. Arrhythmogenic effects of illicit drugs in athletes. Ital Heart J 2003; 4: 829-837.) Subject and Methods “We hope the death of wrestling hero Chris Benoit, who brutally killed his wife and his son before taking his own life, will be a watershed moment in which wrestling confronts its nasty underbelly -- and cleans it up. Professional wrestling must end its cash-register-ringing and shadowy wink-wink association with painkillers and steroids. There's strong suspicion that a steroid-induced rage played a role in Mr. Benoit's rampage. Drug Enforcement Administration officials say the wrestler's name surfaced in a steroid investigation before the killings, and anabolic steroids were found in his home. Mr. Benoit's doctor is charged with improperly dispensing painkillers and other drugs to patients. He also is under investigation to determine whether he improperly prescribed drugs to Mr. Benoit. Dozens of wrestlers have died by age 40 from heart attacks or kidney or liver failure -- all consequences of heavy steroid and other drug abuse.” (Sherman, F: Dallas Morning News, 7/2007) “Steroids played a role in the deaths of

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