How Depression Affects In College Students

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“How Depression Affects In College Students” The prevalence of depression in America has not been accurately calculated. At least for the time being, on estimates supplemented by calculation based on more measurable quantities, in 1970 in the untied states, 251,000 individuals were hospitalized with an admitting diagnosis of depression. In general, one in five who is depression is estimated to receive treatment, one in fifty is hospitalized, and about one out of two hundred depressed people’s commits suicide. The chance that an individual will become clinically depression in his or hers lifetime has been projected to be one in ten. However, the lifetime expectancy of affective disorder for women may be closer to one in five. Of 2,654 college and universities surveyed nation wide, sates that one out every four students will drop out of school by their second year. Age: The age group of depressed college students is 18 – 32 many students find the adjustment from high school to college difficult. Even the student that seems most at ease with their new lifestyle will often confess to moments of missing their familiar high school friends, family and other comforts of home. A study by UCLA reports that more then 30 percent of college freshmen say they feel overwhelmed most of the time in the beginning stages of college. Some students, however, find themselves feeling much more than simply overwhelmed. 65% percent of 2006 college seniors surveyed, the numbers has increased 50% since the 1970s. Reactive depression has its peak in females between twenty-six and forty, and for males between thirty-six and forty, emphasize that depression occurs at all ages. The difference between adult and childhood pictures of depression have been attributed to an inability of the child to verbalized his or her affective state incomplete superego development, and absence of consistent
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