Essay Is It Better For People To Learn From Others

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Is it better for people to learn from others than to learn on their own? Learning from others is more useful than learning on our own; we evaluate ourselves more accurately when consider other opinions and listen to their experiences and learn from them.While some people completely deny the existence of others since they think that individuality is more important than relying on others, however they won't evaluate themselves and they will never realize their mistakes. While, Being gregarious and learning from others, make us see our flaws we have been making for several years; literature and world history demonstrates my perception. In the novel "Brave new world",The protagonist, John the savage, grows up in a traditional native american community. While the rest of the world is ruled by a dictator, who forces everyone to behave according to a certain ideology called "Ford ship" which completely denies the existence of family, religion, philosophy and etc... John visits the society, and he becomes appalled of how technologically and inhumanely the society is.He spends his whole life telling people that only family and religion can bring a truly happy life. The people learned…show more content…
Socrates the modern Einstein in his age, innovating in science, math and reasoning, always taught his students to ask the question why. No matter what an authority said ,he always told them to ask the reasoning behind it. The leaders of classical Greece feared the power that had enthralled in the educated mass so they charged Socrates for corrupting the youth. Even though he was charged, his concepts of questioning any authority lived on his disciples. Without learning from that man, the democratic government of Greece wouldn't have been an archetype of a successful government. So learning from others can make us see many valuable axioms and aphorisms that stop us from doing anything abruptly without
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