Describe An Outing With Your Friends Essays

  • Understanding Health and Social Care

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    Assignment UNIT 8 - UNDERSTAND HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In this assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of health and safety in social care settings. You will use case studies to show your awareness of the legislative framework, identify hazards and assess levels of risk. You will demonstrate your awareness of the use of care or support plans and risk assessment in social care. You will investigate topical issues, examine incidents

  • Assment 208 Essay

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    safety in social care settings Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of health and safety in social care settings. You will use case studies to show your awareness of the legislative framework, identify hazards and assess levels of risk. You will demonstrate your awareness of the use of care or support plans and risk assessment in social care. You will investigate topical issues, examine incidents

  • Causes Of Distress

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    as a death of a loved one or friend, financial difficulties, relationship problems, illness. 1.2 Describe signs that may indicate an individual is distressed * Lack of concentration * Lack of motivation * Fatigue * Looks pale * Anxiety/panic/worrying * Irritability or short temper * Being tearful 1.3 Explain how distress may affect the way an individual communicates The individual may become withdrawn and avoid social outings, unable to face reality or responsibilities

  • Unit 204 Essay

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    (204 Certificate) Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Candidate Name ___________________ Assessor Name ____________________ Date______ | Criteria Ref |Outcome 1 | | |Know how to recognise signs of abuse | |1.1 |Define the following types of abuse

  • Unit 24 Health And Social Care Analysis

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    He has been living in the community for over ten years and is doing well with regular medication. He has now decided that he does not want to continue with his medication, because he has read that putting chemicals into your body may be harmful. 1) What is your duty of care here? 2 marks My duty of care is to try and persuade George to keep taking his medication and reassure him that no harm will come to him, if persuading George fails then you must log the situation in to the

  • Nvq Duty of Care

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    members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service. ← describe how the duty of care affects own work role As a care practitioner , you have a duty of care towards the people you provide care or support for in your work role. This means that you are expected to: >put the needs and interests of those you provide care for at the centre of your thinking and practice >ensure that what you choose to do -or choose not to do- does no harm to those

  • The Roles of a Health and Social Care Worker

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    and employer or in my case carer and service user you are not their friend or family you are there to give them a service as a carer and look after them in a professional manner and there are boundaries you must not cross, where as a personal relationship, friend, family or loved one you are removed from the professional obligations and more likely to do things for the person as you have an emotional connection. 1.2 Describe different working relationships in social care settings. There are

  • Unit 305 Describe Person Centred Approaches

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    Unit 305 Understand person centred approaches in adult social care setting 1.1) Describe person centred approaches. Person-centred approaches are a core element of all good practice Work with the person and those important to them to create their own person centred plan. This tells us how they want to be supported, what the person wants to do and what they want to achieve, to enable the person to live the life that you want. Provide support in the way that the person wants and values

  • Unit 305 Essay

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    UNDERSTAND PERSON-CENTRED APPROACHES IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS UNDERSTAND PERSON-CENTRED APPROACHES IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS 1.1 DESCRIBE PERSON CENTRED APPROACHES Person-centred is about providing care and support that is centred or focused on the individual and their needs. We are all individual and just because two people might have the same medical condition, for example, Dementia, it doesn’t mean that they require the same care and support. You will need to develop a clear understanding

  • Health and Social Care

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    that affect the management of continence. 1: Explain how difficulties with continence can affect and individual’s self-esteem, health and their day to day activities. Incontinence can affect you mentally as well as physically. The negative effect on your self-esteem, dignity and independence can lead to restrict employment, educational and leisure opportunities, and lead to social embarrassment, isolation, distress and depression. According to continence nurses, as many as 70% of people with incontinence

  • Health & Social Care Level2

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    death of a friend or relative What 2 things make up self-concept? Self-esteem, self-image. Name the 2 types of support you can receive and give an example of each. Formal (doctors, support services) and informal (family and friends) Name the changes in life circumstances that can affect self-concept. Retirement, redundancy, moving house, starting school, new job. What changes in relationships can take place? Marriage, divorce, cohabiting, birth of a child, death of a friend or relative

  • Fitness 12 to 18 Year Olds

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    this has negative impact on your overall health which can lead to problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. * Having poor fitness – being unfit restricts your lifestyle and can limit the activities in which you can participate. It is hard to play sport well when you are not fit enough. * Can result in raised levels of cholesterol in adulthood – being overweight, unfit and having a bad diet can lead to raised levels of cholesterol which can block your arteries and cause heart attacks

  • Mr N Kingston

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    provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. Assessment Criteria 1: complete the table below: Factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services | Describe how health and safety applies | Cleanliness | Is the area clean, is it free of litter and animal excreta etc | Weather | Does the weather permit us to carry out an activity, the playground may not be open if it was too icy or if it was covered

  • Children Vs Motherhood

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    restrict them from things they dislike. So by this, they are transforming their children and delivering the message that they will only be loved by parents if they become the person they want them to be (Dr. Peggy, D., 2012). By forcing your choices on your children, your child’s personality develops on

  • Eulogy for My Brother

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    suit. I think this describes Toby’s personality well – use your whole self and make a big splash! Our family enjoyed playing board games. Sometimes we fought over board games. As a young boy Toby most enjoyed the game of monopoly – which he usually would win. He loved counting his money, and buying more real estate – he understood this game at a very early age in ways I still don’t understand it. As a youngster, Toby also enjoyed playing what he called “office”. A family friend gave him one of

  • Tda 2.2 1.1

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    place to make sure children within your care are kept safe and their wellbeing is being looked after. Here are some that are in place to make sure that this is happening: * Every Child Matters * Children Act 1989/2004 * Education Act 2002 (ECM) * Safeguarding the welfare of the children 2013 * UNCRC * What to do if a child is being abused 2006-2015 * Keeping children safe in education * DBS * E-safety 1.2 Describe the roles of different agencies involved

  • Equality And Diversity Research Paper

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    It is therefore important that you examine your own attitudes and values to consider how these may impact on the way you work with children and young people. Children listen intently to others around them, both adults and other children and soak up all information given to them. The school must

  • Miss Brill Essay

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    sympathy and pity for Miss Brill. In Miss Brill, Katherine Mansfield created a character that evoked my empathy. Miss Brill was so alone that she alleviated her loneliness by creating an alternative reality for herself. Miss Brill enjoys her habitual outing to the Seaside Park every Sunday, but most of all she relishes the chance to sit in on the lives of others by listening and watching. As the narrator states, “Oh how fascinating it was! How she loved sitting here, watching it all!” It is through

  • My Virtual Child Research Paper

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    1 My Virtual Child Assignment #4 Caridad Ensenat CRN 2759 Child Psychology and Development University of LaVerne November 1, 2012 MY VIRTUAL CHILD 2 Questions: 12 years old Describe any physical or behavioral signs of incipient puberty. Ana has become very concerned with her recent weight gain. Her hips have become a little wider and she has added on some weight. “Estrogen released by girls’ ovaries cause breast, uterus, and

  • 1.5. Explain How and Why Referrals Are Made Between Agencies.

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    Please answer all the questions below. For your information - all guidance notes are at the end of the questions. 1.1. Outline the current legislation covering home based childcare, and the role of Regulatory bodies... The two most important pieces of legislation covering home-based childcare are the Children Act (2004) and the Childcare Act (2006) Children Act (2004) This influential piece of legislation arose from the Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’ and identifies five outcomes for all