Zweig The Working Class Majority Analysis

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Social class is not a topic that me or most United States citizens stop and think about daily, if ever. “The only conventional view of class in the United States: it doesn’t exist” (Zweig 1). Reading The Working Class Majority by Michael Zweig showed me that social class does exist and influences the lives of Americans everyday. Zweig defines classes as capitalist,ruling,middle, and working. When americans stop and think about class in the United States most would say that the middle class contains the majority of the population. “In this view, a small group of rich people lives at the top. Some are successful business leaders with names like Forbes, Rockfeller, Gates, Trump. Some are glamourous sports and entertainment stars, the Kobe Bryants…show more content…
“When I am talking about class, I am talking about power. Power at work, and power in the larger society”(Zweig 1). Looking at a persons income does not show how they earn it, their role in society, or the power they posses while getting their money. Zweig defines class in a large part based on power and their authority people have at the workplace. Earlier stated americans believe in the United States that the middle class contains the majority of the population, but Zweig states differently. “ The great majority of Americans form the working class” (Zweig 3). The working class are those people with relatively little power are work. Everyday millions of men and women, no matter their race or religion, preform jobs like; driving trucks, designing hair and stocking shelves. These are all working class jobs, but how can one define these jobs as working class? The answer is power the people have at these jobs. There may be a lot of differences in these millions of jobs done throughout the working class, but there’s similarities as well that make the working class the majority of the nation. “ For all their differences, working class people share a common place in production, where they have relatively little control over the pace or content of their work, and arn’t anybodies boss” ( Zweig 3). The working class shares common situations in the workplace such as they are not any bodies boss, barley have any power, and are vulnerable. Two people in the same job, could be in two different class categories depending on the power at the workplace. If an cable guy is self employed he is middle class, but a cable guy employed under someone else is working class. Women,blacks,and hispanics are a larger proportion of the working class, but keep in mind they can be part of other classes. Women,blacks, and hispanics are a larger part of the working society not because of the
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