Zilack Saw Essay

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Zilack Corporation Strategic Alignment Worksheet Operations and Production Name: Corporate Goal: Double Company Sales Human Resources Operations and Production Checklist 1. Ensure staffing requirements are met. 2. Retain existing staff. 3. Hire and train new staff. 4. Raise Strength of Workplace scores to a minimum of 4.0 in all departments. 5. Plan, organize, lead, and direct the human resources of the company to meet the goal of growing the business by 100%. 1. Double current production rate. 2. Add one production line. 3. Reduce scrap and waste. 4. Organize the newly increased staff to efficiently use resources—create a new organization chart. 5. Lead the employees by providing a clear mission and goals through carefully crafted communications. 6. Create adequate controls and communicate performance to the company to ensure organizational focus. Department Manager Goals 1. Retain existing department employees. 2. Hire two additional HR generalists. 3. Assist department managers in the hiring of new employees. 4. Support the departments in improving Strength of Workplace scores. 5. Develop and implement a professional development curriculum. 6. Create an employee perks program. 1. Retain existing employees. 2. Hire 18 new employees. 3. Create new organization chart. 4. Raise department score from 2.67 to 4.0. 5. Reduce scrap and waste. 6. Develop a performance measurement and reporting system. 7. Align organizational goals with department’s purpose and goals and effectively communicate it to employees. 8. Add one production line. 9. Double current production rate. Activities Supporting goal one:  Communicate an open-door policy to existing employees by 10/1/10  Set up a knowledge management system by 10/8/10  Plan semiannual teambuilding events by 10/29/10 Supporting goal two:  Review and revise the HR Generalist

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