Youth Unemployment Essay

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Youth Unemployment in America Abstract I decided to do my paper on youth unemployment in America. I wanted to do my paper on this topic because of how controversial it is. I found thousands of articles on this topic so it took me a while to find 10 good ones. Throughout my paper I will touch on the topics of college graduates struggling to find jobs and raising the minimum wage. I also focus on how high school drop outs contribute to the high rates of unemployment. Along with these 3 reasons, I give other important examples why these rates continue to elevate. Unemployment in America continues to be a rising problem. It affects all age groups in one way or another, but the rates seem to be extremely high in American youth. There seems to be less job opportunities for this particular age group. Kids in high school are struggling to find jobs as well as college students. “Economic Snapshot: Youth Unemployment” by Nicole Kenney explains that the United States is struggling with unemployment, especially in African American and Hispanic heritages. “Addressing the Developmental Needs of Urban, African American youth: A Preventive Intervention” by Michael D’Andrea discusses interventions aimed at promoting personal and career development of urban, African American youth. At this point in time it does not look like the high rates are going to reduce. This is due to a few reasons. Thesis: The unemployment rate in American youth will continue to rise because of rumors of raising the minimum wage, educated college graduates are struggling to land jobs, and high school drop out rates continue to reach new heights. Congress definitely should not raise the federal minimum wage. There should also be mandatory high school training programs for students who are struggling. If the minimum wage does get increased then more teenagers are going to start applying for these
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