Youth Crime Essay

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Youth crime has become an alarming situation in many cities of the world. There are number of reasons behind these practices while solving such issues requires a great effort within the families as well as the government level. The first and foremost reason is the lack of family connection which further leads to mental health issues, whereas these issues are overlooked by many for a long period of time. In old times, parents used to have a well balanced life where they were able to work as well as giving time to their children. Nowadays, the table has turned and parents don’t have enough time to give their children because they are too busy with their jobs. Neglected children are at greater risk of developing mental health problems which makes them involve in the criminal activities. Second, poverty is one of the main causes. The gap between rich and poor is increasing rapidly and urging the youth to commit crime. Those who are poor resort illegal means to get whatever others have. In my opinion, they are in reality victims because they are not taught moral and ethical principles in an efficient manner by their school. However, number of step can be taken to overcome youth crime. First of all, the number of awareness programs should run by the government and other organisations. It will help parents to understand the importance of parent-child bond. Along with that, it is essential to let the youth know about the consequences of committing crime to deter their actions. Government should also take some steps to reduce the poverty gap which eventually might contribute in the reduction of crime. Stigma about mental health issues needs to be taken care of to encourage people to seek help when needed. It will help to reduce the crime committed by young people who are suffering from psychological disorders. To sum up, several factors have led to increase in youth
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