Youth Crime Essay

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Youth Crime Issues Study What are the causes and effects of youth crime and what can be done to improve or resolve the problem posed by young offenders? Legal Studies Thursday 30th August Page No.1 Aditi Salunkhe Youth Crime. There has been a lot of news in the media, there has been a lot of talk from the government, researchers and people that work in the media, have an interest in this issue, according to the "ABS website". It has been a rising issue, but what exactly is it. The youth, are young people usually aged between 10-17 year olds, that are in their period of life, where they are not a child, but aren't mature enough to be adults. If an illegal act/illegal activity has been committed, it is known to be a 'crime'. According to an "Australian institute of criminology report", "ABS website", teenagers aged between 15-19 were more likely to be charged for a crime, than any other age group- including adults, and the offending rate of youth crimes, were almost 4 times as bad. In the "gang of 49 documentary" The crimes that they were in, were not organised, they were most commonly involved in were vandalism, ram raids, bank robberies, stealing cars. The teens came from low socio-economic families. CONCLUSION Overall I do think the only strategies that will help resolve the issues that arise, with Youth crime, is to make the youth appreciate what they have (volunteer/help out the less fortunate). As well as getting them more involved in sport, or academic things, encouraging young people to be employed, which does bring out responsibility, leadership skills, and improves the ability to say "yes it is achievable, I can do it!" In the end, humans are only satisfied when they work hard, achieve and gain something, and then look back at all the things that they had to work hard through, and say "it was totally worth it". (I can confidently
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